Our Music Video

Monday, December 14, 2009


The core target audience for our music video is 13 to 19 year old girls, fans of RnB music and dancers. We decided to screen our music video in a lunchtime to gain maximum feedback in order to make our music video the best it could be. We made a questionnaire which Loren will be scanning in some time soon and also asked a few people some questions individually.

Overall feedback showed that the New York and dance routine footage was the most interesting. I reckon this was perhaps because it involved a lot of camera movement, keeping the audience engaged.
However a lot of audience feedback suggested that the narrative wasn't very clear and that the choice of track wasn't a good one. However we think the track fitted the lyrics to the song very well and were fixed on producing a music video to 'Top of the World - PCD'
We also got feedback from our peers. Here are some criticism:
- The end shot ends very abrupt. Perhaps fade it
- Parts of the video were out of synch
- The long shots of Loren and I at the window are rather dark and should try lightening them.

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